Caledonia, Wisconsin - Kaledonia, Viskonsin

"This interesting colony where the history of the Czech country people in America established its roots has never been a purely Czech village or town. It is one of the
towns in Racine County where Czechs once made a majority of the population, but
today they do not. Many of them died, a large number of the others migrated to other states and so Czechs lost their former majority in the town of Caledonia. Czech farms
are no longer even neighbors of one another they are mixed with Americans, Irishmen, Germans, etc. as they are in most other parts of the Country. There are no more Czech colonies in Racine County . . . All that once was, is no more. These Czech colonies died out." (History of Czechs in America, Jan Habenicht.)
Account of the early days of the Czech settlement of Caledonia by J.W. Mikulecky
Bohemian Pioneers in the American Forest: Chapter 3 The Czechs Arrive by Ione Kramer
The following maps are high resolution scans saved as GIF files, which you may want to download to your computer for closer review:
1858 Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin
Late 19th Century Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin-West
Late 19th Century Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin-East
towns in Racine County where Czechs once made a majority of the population, but
today they do not. Many of them died, a large number of the others migrated to other states and so Czechs lost their former majority in the town of Caledonia. Czech farms
are no longer even neighbors of one another they are mixed with Americans, Irishmen, Germans, etc. as they are in most other parts of the Country. There are no more Czech colonies in Racine County . . . All that once was, is no more. These Czech colonies died out." (History of Czechs in America, Jan Habenicht.)
Account of the early days of the Czech settlement of Caledonia by J.W. Mikulecky
Bohemian Pioneers in the American Forest: Chapter 3 The Czechs Arrive by Ione Kramer
The following maps are high resolution scans saved as GIF files, which you may want to download to your computer for closer review:
1858 Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin
Late 19th Century Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin-West
Late 19th Century Plat Map of Caledonia, Racine County Wisconsin-East